Fruity Mona

Fruity Mona
Oranges Get Arty ♥

Welome Fellow Orange Lovers ♥

I believe that our wonderful bodies all have the capacity for great health and healing, no matter what stage of life we are at.
I, personally, believe that fresh, raw Orange Juice can aid our bodies when they are healing.
Wishing you much Health and Happiness ♥ ♥

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Friday, May 29, 2009

A Photo of My Beauties!

Day 4

Here is a photo of my Beauties. We got 10kg from the grower.
That should keep me going for a few days, we will get another box on Sunday.

Breakfast—3 natural Oranges juiced in my mouth, 5 through the Breville Juicer

Lunch—a fresh Orange juice from a Juice Bar

Tea—2 Natural Oranges juiced in my mouth, 5 through the Breville.

Love and Peaches XX. heart

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