One of the delights of Winter, for me, is the arrival of the Blood Oranges.Not too different on the outside from their cousins the Valencias, they hold a lush secret within.
The outside may be speckled with red or with red undertones; a little hint of what is to come.
Then cut or break into one and within is filled with deep red delights, more luscious than a ruby and filled with sweet life blood for us mortals.
The Blood Orange has more vitamin C than a standard orange and makes more juice than most other Oranges. It is a little juice bomb waiting to explode with flavour. When I lived in the Northern Hemisphere, I got beautiful Bloods from Sicily. The Scilians certainly know a thing or too about great fruit growing and I would go for their beautiful bloody oranges anyday in preference to their bloody Mafia.
Once I spent a month in Malta, close geographically, to Sicily and also a very beautiful island. Apart from two days, I spent the entire month living on Blood Orange juice. Now residing in the Southern Hemisphere, I appreciate that the Aussies have got their act together and are now growing some simply delightful Blood Oranges.
Do try them, a glass of Blood Orange juice looks so spectacular and always get comments such as "What's That!"
Build up your blood with Bloods. Leave the animal blood to the Vampire bats, go with the Fruitbats and drain the Blood Oranges dry!
Enjoy your Juicing,
Love from Anne XX.
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