Fruity Mona

Fruity Mona
Oranges Get Arty ♥

Welome Fellow Orange Lovers ♥

I believe that our wonderful bodies all have the capacity for great health and healing, no matter what stage of life we are at.
I, personally, believe that fresh, raw Orange Juice can aid our bodies when they are healing.
Wishing you much Health and Happiness ♥ ♥

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Law of Attraction?

One thing that I have noticed, particularly since being on a fruit diet, is how certain things have an attraction for you- and vice versa.

For example, just before I did a 26 day Orange juice fast; I was thinking about whether or not I wanted to go on O.J. diet ; when the car I was in passed a huge model of an Orange, in somebody's front yard!

I also find that as well as noticing images and information about Oranges, when I am on an O.J. diet or thinking about going on one, in turn I am also attracted to all things Orange.

I have(among other things) two very realistic looking fake Oranges, that I picked up from the local $2 store, a radio in the shape of an Orange(complete with straw antennae), a music shaker that looks just like a juicy Orange and a hair bobble with a plastic Orange attached.

It seems that whenever I am thinking about an O.J. mono-diet, then I get the 'orangey' signs. I see pictures of Oranges everywhere- in magazines and books and of of the corner of my eye as I am out and about.

I do think that we are like little receivers, we humanfolk; we send out certain signals, depending on where we are in life- and then we pick up on and are sent back the things that we truly desire!

As with fruit, it is similar with other people and animals; we draw into our lives those people and animals with whom our energies and wavelengths resonate.

The Universe is not an airy fairy wishy-washy place but very well ordered logical and rational.

There are definate laws. Certainly Health laws, but also the laws of Cause and Effect and Attraction.

A certain action or behaviour will elicit a certain response. The Universe acts on order and harmony and not disorder.

So if we eat and behave in a certain way, we will get definate responses to those actions from the Universe.

Each of our actions sets of a whole chain of other actions, that have an impact not only upon our own lives but also upon the rest of the Planet.

The Universe does not lie and cheat but can only be true to herself. Her Health laws will serve you well and are there for everyone to enjoy.

Similarly you will attract into your life that which is attracted to you!

Enjoy peace, love and a vibrant and happy life.

Love from Anne XXX.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Oh Bloody Good Juice!

One of the delights of Winter, for me, is the arrival of the Blood Oranges.Not too different on the outside from their cousins the Valencias, they hold a lush secret within.

The outside may be speckled with red or with red undertones; a little hint of what is to come.

Then cut or break into one and within is filled with deep red delights, more luscious than a ruby and filled with sweet life blood for us mortals.

The Blood Orange has more vitamin C than a standard orange and makes more juice than most other Oranges. It is a little juice bomb waiting to explode with flavour. When I lived in the Northern Hemisphere, I got beautiful Bloods from Sicily. The Scilians certainly know a thing or too about great fruit growing and I would go for their beautiful bloody oranges anyday in preference to their bloody Mafia.

Once I spent a month in Malta, close geographically, to Sicily and also a very beautiful island. Apart from two days, I spent the entire month living on Blood Orange juice. Now residing in the Southern Hemisphere, I appreciate that the Aussies have got their act together and are now growing some simply delightful Blood Oranges.

Do try them, a glass of Blood Orange juice looks so spectacular and always get comments such as "What's That!"

Build up your blood with Bloods. Leave the animal blood to the Vampire bats, go with the Fruitbats and drain the Blood Oranges dry!

Enjoy your Juicing,

Love from Anne XX.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


I must say that I do prefer fruit with seeds in.

Fruit, for me has a lovely symbiotic relationship with fruit eaters.

We savour the delights of fruit and in return we can spread the plant's seeds.

Fruit without seeds, changes this symbiotic relationship. We eat the fruit and then what?? No seeds to plant in return.

Fruit is made lush by the parent plant to entice us to eat, in the hope that the seeds will be spread and even fertilized!

No seeds and we renge on the deal.

Also it seems kind of inapproriate to me; here is this plant doing its best to create delish fruit so its seeds get spread and guess what there are no seeds.

So I stick with the most pippy Mandarins and Oranges I can. They also seem to make the greatest juice. Seeds to me give a fruit power and life; they contain that magical undefinable element of potential New Life.

A single seed can grow and prosper into a fine and beautiful tree; bringing food , shelter and shade to the local environment.

Tree planting rocks and seeds kind of help this process along.

Humans breed seedless fruit for our convenience but sometimes vital elements are lost in the name of 'progress' and an easy life.

We break that cycle and that connection of fruit eating and seed dispersal.

Man and woman are not islands, our lives are intricately entwined with every other species and life form on this Planet; by cutting some of those ties we not only loose connection with Nature but we loose something rare and special in our everyday lives.

Wishing you great fruit - with lots of pips!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Wonder of Oranges- excerpts from Hilton Hotema.

Excerpts from Hilton Hotema's 'Long Life in Florida'.

The Wonderful Orange by Dr. Leon A. Wilcox.

"For twenty years I have been trying to put over a message about the wonderful Orange and the benefits to be obtained from its use.A few years ago a horse named Black Gold won the Kentucky Derby.It seems this horse was owned by a woman who had come into her fortune in the Oklahoma oil fields. She named her horse after the black oil that had made her wealthy. This black oil of Oklahoma never contained anywhere near the wealth that is to be found in the golden orange of Florida and California. In the orange there is health. In the black gold is self indulgence, dissipation, sickness and death.Till a very few years ago, it was the custom to carry home a dozen oranges with much the same mental attitude as was felt about a box of candy. They had been regarded as something nice to eat between meals, or as a dessert. To think of them as a wonderful food- perish the thought!The great majority of the medical profession have always knocked the citrus fruits.

Even in this day it is not uncommon to hear one say their doctor told them not to eat fruits, as they contained too much acid.Especially are people advised not to eat the citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit, on account of the acid. It is only within recent years that any of the medical practitioners suggested the use of these valuable foods.I regret to have to say that only a few today know how these fruits should be used.It depends entirely on how these fruits are used as to whether they will give an acid reaction or not. Citrus fruits will always return an alkaline reaction when taken in the stomach by themselves.

These fruits (in fact all juicy fruits) should never be eaten at the same meal with cooked or baked foods, nor should they ever be eaten with sugar.Cooked foods contain a certain amount of starch. When fruit juices come in contact with starch in the stomach, the reaction is sure to be fermentation. The fermentation process is what generates acid. So you see it is not the fruits that make the acid; it is the food combinations.Remember, all kinds of fresh fruits, melons and berries should always be eaten alone or with the fresh salad vegetables.

William H. Dieffenbach, M.D., of New York City, is the authority for the following about Fruits." Fruit instead of being a dessert, should, if properly evaluated, be classified as the most valuable of foods."Fruits contain little protein and fat but are most valuable sources of mineral salts, cellulose, carbohydrates and vitamins.The water content of fruits ,with mineral content, keeps the blood in a state of alkalinity. Its alkaline elements , which are combined with the fruit acids, act as natural laxitives by promoting the secretory action of the liver, pancreas and other secretory glands.

"Fruits furnish calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and manganese of a highly organised type and are indispensable for the rebuilding of blood platelets and corpuscles."Fruits are important sources of vitmins A,B, and C. Fruit sugars are a great source of vital energy and strength. Their combustion is readily accomplished and their basic elements readily neutralize CO2. Refined sugars, must first be converted by the pancreatic juices into dextrose before being available for combustion, and are therefore a strain on the economy if used to excess. Orange juice contains vitamins A,B and C."The fresh citrus fruits, lemon, orange, tangerine, lime and grapefruit, prevent scurvy, due to vitamin C."

King of Fruits.

After having given the question of fruits twenty years of study and research not only by personal use but also by the direction and treatment of patients, I have arrived at the conclusion that the orange is the king of all fruits.Very few would believe the length of time an individual can live and perform the hardest kind of work, both mental and physical, using absolutely nothing but oranges for food. Another very important thing; a sick person living exclusively on an orange diet, is not only getting all the nourishment that the body requires, but the orange will neutralize the acid in the system and prove a better medicine than any drug known to pharmacy.

Finset Distilled Water.I, one time heard a great physician and dietitian say "orange juice is water distilled in God's own distillary".How true this is. It is a food and a drink for the healthy and a medicine for the sick. For those who are seeking to regain their health, there is nothing that can be taken in the human system that will assist nature like this golden elixir of life.

Millions of dollars are being spent every year advertising all kinds of foods. The old high powered salesman has given way to the high powered advertising counsellor. These fellows must lay awake nights conjuring up good advertising copy telling us why we should eat Buncom & Co's Patent Leather Cheese for our health.In the fruits and green uncooked vegetables you have food exactly as Nature has prepared it, and there is positively nothing of any sort on the market that can equal these foods for good health. All the vitamin content is still intact. There has been no processing of any sort to take away the virtue from these things. All the food value is still there.Let us learn to utilize the golden nuggets of health found in fruit, so we can better enjoy the black gold found in our natural resources and industry."

February 1931. Pittsburg Health Club.

How these words inspired and enthused me when I was on my Orange Juice during Lent 2008.

I am endeavouring to find out more about the wonderful Dr. Wilcox and will keep you posted if I find out any more about him.

Orange Juice and Me.

I guess that over the past few years a big part of my life has been the mighty Orange, in the form of fresh squeezed Orange juice.

During the past 17 years that I have been on the fruit diet I have had some cool times with O.J.

The first session was on a trip to Portugal in the Northern Spring 1993.

I spent 9 days living off tree ripened Navels and Wild Mandarins.

What I found was that my health excelled and I felt cleansed and rejuvenated.

Since then I have kind of gravitated towards Orange Juice ,rather than the whole fruit.

O.J just works better for me, personally.

In March 1995, I spent the Month in Malta, and apart for one or two days of mixed fruit, I lived off Sicillian Blood Oranges and their juice for the entire holiday.

I felt renewed and euphoric as if I walked with light and springy fairy steps.

The sun and light and beauty of Valetta, the capital, only enhanced my experience.

In the Summer of 1995, I went for 52 days on Orange Juice. This was a turning point in my fruitarian diet, afterwards I just felt that fruit was doing me so much more good. I never thought about this possible consequence when I started out on the juice. It was more of a deep feeling that came to me when I finished the 52 days.

What I did notice was that I needed to eat much less fruit, and especially more concentrated fruit; such as Avocados and dried fruit, to fulfill my energy needs .

I think that this may be because I cleansed my intestines and so was assimilating my fruit more efficiently.

Since then I have done a 26 day O.J fest in May 2007, 40 days for Lent in 2008 and I have just done 16 days in July 2008.
I am just getting so much from Orange juice at the moment, and I find that the more Orange Juice diets that I carry out, the less weight I loose and also the less juice I need to consume to stay healthy and happy.
When I am on juice I feel happy, invincable, strong; a fruit warrior, I feel a deep trust in the World and the Universe and a strong sense that Life really is Wonderful.
Love and fruitfulness,
from Anne XX.