♥ Day 75 ♥
I believe that Mother Nature is an orderly soul; she keeps a tidy house and garden. And if we have respect for her laws and the laws of Natural Hygiene, which seem very congruent with her own maxims, then I believe we can achieve a certain flow in our lives.
This flow may also be known as synchronicity; whereby events in our lives seem linked and very relevant to each other. And special 'co-incidences' occur which enhance and bring joy into our lives.
I find that a fruit diet, comprised of mostly sweet juicy fruit, brings a beautiful flow and harmony into my life. This seems even more enhanced when I am on a mono diet.
All the most beautiful moments of synchronicity in my life seem to have occurred during mono diets.
I find Natural Hygiene and Mother Nature both very logical and rational. One reason that I am greatly attracted to the writing of Arnold Ehret because I find his words and ideas to have this same ring of truth and rationality.
A raw diet, for me, has to make sense on every level.
There is always the unknown in life, that we ever strive to fathom, but the basis of my life on a fruit or mono diet seems very rational and easy to understand.
It seems to me that the truth, including dietary truths need to be simple and easy to understand; they need to make sense at a very basic level.
Mother Nature's laws are not complex, the animals who live in harmony with her do not need a manual or detailed instructions to survive. Some of them may need a parent's care for a time in their lives but after this time they live by natural and simple instinct.
So I feel that one reason why things in my life seem to flow when on a mono diet, is that I am in a certain level of harmony with the Natural Laws, and so flow and synchronicity are part and parcel of this natural state of living a Hygienic lifestyle.
Sometimes because synchronicity seems 'strange' or unusual; something we are not so used to having in our lives, we may try to close ourselves to it, or not accept it into our lives, but I find that if I have faith and I open myself up to synchronicity then it flows ever more strongly.
There are so many connections on all levels in our Universe that we may have no comprehension of or find difficult to understand; therefore, the fruity journey is definitely a bit of an adventure— often into uncharted territory.
Fruit Pirates headed out on an exciting adventure ♥
Fruity Fare ♥
Morning—12 Syrup Balls, juiced with a spoon, 2 Syrup balls, juiced in my mouth
Midday—12 Syrup Balls, juiced with a spoon
Afternoon 12 Syrup Balls, juiced with a spoon, 2 regular sized Organic Valencias, juiced in my mouth.
Fruitful Exercise ♥
40 minutes workout
20 minutes leg exercises and stretching.
Have Delicious Days ♥
Love and Peaches XX.
Dear Anne,
Did your menstrual period change once you began eating a strictly fruitarian diet? If so, how?
Thanks, Esmee
Hi Anne, I can certainly feel the flow in your beautiful words!! Keep up the good work!!
Dear Esmee ♥
Thank you for your comment ♥
Yes, I noticed big changes, the flow became much lighter, no cramping or discomfort and they became much shorter.
They are the lightest of all when I am on an extended mono diet.
Have a Lovely day ♥
Love and Peaches,
from Anne XX.
Dear Duane ♥
Thank you for your kind words, and Thank you for visiting ♥
Have a Beautiful Day ♥
Love and Peaches,
from Anne XX.
Peg leg exercises is an important part of every Piratées life ;)
Beautiful as ever..is ♥
Love :)
Dear X ♥
X marks the spot ♥
One leg good,two legs bad ?
Thanks for a'visitin' me ♥T
Love and Peaches XX.
Dear Anne. . .
This is so beautifully expressed. I understand. And some things are beyond words. ♥
Love ♥
Dear Julie ♥
Thank you ♥♥ XX
Love too ♥
This gives me hope. Thanks.
"It seems to me that the truth, including dietary truths need to be simple and easy to understand; they need to make sense at a very basic level.
Mother Nature's laws are not complex, the animals who live in harmony with her do not need a manual or detailed instructions to survive. Some of them may need a parent's care for a time in their lives but after this time they live by natural and simple instinct."
Anne - the longer I am on my 811rv diet... the more this "rings true" with me...
Materialism and the evils associated with it .. are slowly leaving us... we are beginning to see the truth.. happiness is manifesting itself through simple pleasures... and satisfaction seems much simpler to attain than I ever imagined.
You are a shining example... thanks for the inspiration.
Dear Russ ♥
Thank you for your comment ♥
I agree the the healthier and the happier we become on the inside, then the less need we have for material goods.
Thank you for visiting ♥
Have a Great Day.
Love and Peaches,
from Anne XX.
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