Fruity Mona

Fruity Mona
Oranges Get Arty ♥

Welome Fellow Orange Lovers ♥

I believe that our wonderful bodies all have the capacity for great health and healing, no matter what stage of life we are at.
I, personally, believe that fresh, raw Orange Juice can aid our bodies when they are healing.
Wishing you much Health and Happiness ♥ ♥

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

♥ Day 77 Mono Orange Juice ♥

Day 77 ♥
Now the funny thing is that when I went to bed last night (and yes, Jack did sleep in the bedroom too) I was so convinced that when I woke up it would be Jack for Breakfast.
But when I awoke...
...all I wanted was Orange Juice.
Certainly I could appreciate the beautiful sight (and smell) of Jack; fully tree-ripened and just in a perfect state to eat, but my desire was for Orange juice. And so here I am Day 77, and still merrily travelling along on the Orange Juice Train.

Cappi devoured the Jackfruit. He  Loves it, goes Jackfruit crazy.
But I sat beside him with my spoon and devoured my Orange juice.
I Love it still, and each Orange still has the capacity to surprise me with its own unique and individual flavour.
The Orange peel compost heap at the bottom of the garden has taken on the appearance of a strange Oange edifice, a large pyramid of peel and pith that pays homage to the Citrus Clan of the Orange juicers , and at the same time feeds a massive population of small black beetles.

With this stage seemingly of assimilation, and taking more Orange juice, my weight seems to have stabalised, and I have not lost any for the past few days.
My body fat is still around 5% and muscle mass is pretty similar to when I started out. These results are taken from my Tanita Body Moniter, and I have no way of knowing their true accuracy, but they do seem to be congruent with the way my body looks and feels.

Fruity Fare ♥
Morning - 16 Syrup Balls, juiced with a spoon
Midday - 11 Syrup Balls, juiced with a spoon
Afternoon 7 Valencias, juiced in my mouth.

Fruitful Exercise ♥
40 minutes fast walking
20 minutes leg and stomach exercises.

Have Radiant Days ♥
Love and Peaches XX


gg said...

what an amazing picture!!

Anne said...

Thank you for visiting gg ♥.
I am glad you liked the picture.
Have a very Happy and Fruitful Day ♥
Love and Peaches,
from Anne XX.


Yay Anne! :) Glad you are still havin' fun bein' juicy. Your blog is such a joy to read. Xx..

Anne said...

Dear Aimee ♥
Thank you very much for your kind comment, and Thank you for visiting my blog ♥
I hope the fruit supply is getting through all the snow you are having!
Have a Wonderful Day.
Love and Peaches,
from Anne XX.

laurie said...

Hey Anne, That would be really fun to see a picture of your compost pile!

Anne said...

Dear Laurie ♥
Thank you for your comment;
maybe I should take a photo!
Thanks for stopping by.
Have a Beauty Day XX♥

Fruity Jules said...

Dear Anne. . .

This is WONDERFUL! And oh, dear, now I am dreaming of jackfruit. Juicy Fruit Gum! ♥

Love you ♥

Anne said...

Dear Julie ♥
Thank you for your comment ♥
I could really appreciate the sight and aroma of Jack; but it was just not the righr time for me to get off the Orange Juice Train.
Have a Beautiful Day ♥
Love and Peaches,
from Anne XX.